Safeguarding: Important contacts
City Works, Alfred Street, Gloucester, United Kingdom, GL1 4DF
Use the details below to report your concerns. If you are not sure who to contact, Gloucestershire Children and Families Front Door should be your first call for anyone under 18 and the adults help desk for anyone over 18.
Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Procedures
Gloucestershire Children and Families Front Door which is open from 9am to 5pm:
Telephone: 01452 426565
Outside of office hours, you should contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) Telephone: 01452 61 4194 or, if you have concerns about the immediate safety of the child or you believe a serious criminal offence has been committed please contact the Police at any time on 101.
- LADO (The role of the LADO is to be involved in the management and oversight of allegations against people who work with children.)
- Gloucestershire Safeguarding Partnership (a good space to find an overview of different services)
- Safeguarding Adults in Gloucestershire (for adults at risk Adults Help Desk on (01452) 426868)
- Alternatively, you can call ChildLine for advice on 0800 1111 or e-mail them by visiting
- If your concerns are around school, please contact the school’s designated safeguarding lead or their deputy
Mash (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub)
Active Gloucestershire Safeguarding Officers:
Children and Young People:
Nicky Harverson:, 01452 393607
Lisa Kankowski:, 01452 393617
Sarah Haden-Godwin:, 01452 393605
Chris Davis:, 01452 393611